As we indulge in a delicious plate, our senses are heightened with aroma and visual appeal, before our very first bite. The presentation matters, so make it impressive. Artistic plating, when done right, makes a promise to the consumer: You’re going to enjoy this.
Why it counts:
Food presentation is essential to the success of any dish. The way the food appears on the plate is what tempts the eye and makes the guest crave discovering its flavor. It’s a feeling that resonates with us. Plating food is like preparing for a first date, you want to make a good impression. You know that you’re delicious and worthy of seconds, but your date isn’t sure. Visual appeal is just as important in the dining experience as is the taste left on the palate. Texture, form and color are all used to invoke emotions and aid in telling a story. The plating should be designed to introduce you to that story.
Now, more than ever, food presentation is crucial. Gen Z makes up one-third of the population and continues to grow in buying power. Social media is where they find information about food trends, where to buy, and determine whether or not it’s worth their time. According to a national study commissioned by Hershey, Gen Z loves dessert and 87% think about eating it at least once a day, if not more. They also want to share their dessert experience with others. “Desserts are the number one food that Gen Z photographs and 46 percent of Gen Zers have a picture of a dessert on their phone right now” – Hershey Insights. The passion this new generation expresses for dessert, is even more reason to pay extra attention to plate presentation.
Tips to perfect presentation:
- Make sure all plates are sparkling clean: Dirty plates are a quick way to deter guests
- Adapt the presentation to the occasion
- Balance variety and contrast with texture: Plates with a hint of complexity draw the eye.
- Garnish where appropriate: Bring a pop of color to a cheesecake
- Match portion size with plate size: If the plates are too big, fill in space with a beautiful design.
- Manipulate dimensions to further intrigue.
Unique ideas for dessert plating:
Hello there and Season’s Greetings from Alabama. Who knew that so many people considered eating dessert every day? That is an astounding number (87%). Thanks for the plating tips and Happy New Year!